Abstract Submission 摘要投稿
Abstracts of submitted papers can be in either English or Chinese.
The papers presented in the annual meeting include oral presentations and poster presentations:
The oral presentations will be organized into parallel sessions according to the abstract classification selected by the presenting authors. There are invited talks and contributed talks. Invited talks are by invitation only and are invited by the organizers and the program committee, while the contributed talks will be selected by the program committee. The program committee will try to arrange all submitted papers that select oral presentations into the available sessions of oral presentations. However, if the requested time of presentation for oral presentations exceeds available time slots, the program committee will move some of the oral presentations into poster sessions.
Due to the huge number of papers submitted each year, it is preferred that presenters in contributed talks in oral sessions be Ph. D. students or hold Ph.D. degrees in physics.
*Some sessions MUST be all English presentations, including: Surface Science, Statistical Physics, Computational Physics, Medium and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics, Gravity and Cosmology and Synchrotron/Accelerator Physics.
The poster presentations will be displayed at specific times and places. Excellent poster papers will be selected and given awards in the closing ceremony.
Abstract submission deadline: December 15, 2015
Abstracts must be submitted after online registration and through the website:
On-line Submission