Plenary Talk
Background and Honors
Prof. Laura Greene
Highly Correlated Electron Materials
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
1. Professor, Center for Advanced Study, 2009.
2. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellow, 2009.
3. Fellow, Institute of Physics, "FinsP" (UK), elected 2007.
4. Member, National Academy of Science, elected 2006.
Time:2016.01.26 10:00-10:55
Title:Point contact spectroscopy as a probe of correlated electron states
Prof. M. Zahid Hasan
Quantum Condensed Matter Physics
Princeton University, USA
1. Moore Experimental Investigator Award, 2014
2. Fellow, American Physical Society, USA, 2013
3. American Competitive & Innovation Fellowship Award, 2010
4. Sloan Research Fellowship Awarded, 2009
5. Ph.D. from Stanford University, 2002
Time:2016.01.26 11:00-11:55
Title:Theoretical and experimental discovery of Weyl fermion semimetals and topological Fermi arc quasiparticles in TaAs, NbAs, NbP, TaP and related spin-orbit materials
Prof. J. C. Seamus Davis
Emergent Quantum Matter
Cornell University, USA
1. Brookhaven National Lab Science & Technology Award, 2013
2. Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010
3. H. Kamerlingh-Onnes Prize, 2009
4. Fritz London Memorial Prize, 2005
5. Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering, 1994-1999
6. Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering, 1994-1999
Time:2016.01.25 15:00-15:55
Title:Interplay of Pair-Density Wave & Charge-Density Wave States with d-wave Superconductivity in Underdoped Cuprates
Prof. Din Ping Tsai
Nano-photonics, Plasmonics
National Taiwan University
1. Fellow of APS, OSA, SPIE, IEEE, EMA and PSROC.
2.President of Taiwan Photonics Society (TPS).
3. President of Taiwan Information Storage Association (TISA).
4. Director and Distinguished Research Fellow, Research Center
for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica.
Time:2016.01.27 10:00-10:55
Title:Photonics for the New Era
Prof. Chia-Ling Chien
Nanostructured Materials
The Johns Hopkins University
1. First recipient of AUMS (Asian Union of Magnetics Societies)
Award, 2012
2. Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement
of Sciences (AAAS), 2010
3. Tunghai University Distinguished Alumnus Award, 2007
4. Honorary Chair Professor, National Tsinghua University,
Taiwan, 2006
5. IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer, 2005
Time:2016.01.25 14:00-14:55
Title:From South-Pointing Chariot to Pure Spin Current, the Never-Ending Saga in Magnetism